[1]廖俊琳,李 里,陈 碾,等. 不同形状的兔自体软骨组织体内异位移植后吸收与融合的实验研究[J].中国美容医学,2018,(12):121-124.
LIAO Jun-lin,LI li,CHEN Nian,et al. Experimental Study on Absorption and Fusion of Rabbit Autologous Cartilage withDifferent Shapes after Ectopic Transplantation in Vivo[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2018,(12):121-124.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Experimental Study on Absorption and Fusion of Rabbit Autologous Cartilage with
Different Shapes after Ectopic Transplantation in Vivo
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
廖俊琳; 李 里; 陈 碾; 尹 瀚; 方卫婷; 周玲聪; 谢红炬
- Author(s):
LIAO Jun-lin; LI li; CHEN Nian; YIN Han; FANG Wei-ting; ZHOU Ling-cong; XIE Hong-ju
- 关键词:
[关键词]自体软骨; 异位移植; 吸收; 融合; 活性
- Keywords:
Key words: autologous cartilage; heterotopic transplantation; absorption; fusion; viablity
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Abstract: Objective The absorption and fusion of autogenous granular cartilage, massive cartilage and stripe cartilage after
heterotopic transplantation were observed in New Zealand white rabbits. Methods One side of rabbit ear cartilages were
obtained from 6 New Zealand white rabbits. After perichondrium was removed, 1mm×1mm diced cartilages and 1cm×1cm
massive cartilages were made and sutured. At the same time, the 7、8th costal cartilage were obtained. The groups divided
into diced cartilage group, massive cartilage group and strip cartilage group. All the cartilage tissues were buried in the back
of the rabbit. The gross morphological observation, wet weight, soft toughness of the cartilage tissue after fusion and histological
observation were observed 3 months after operation. Results Three months after operation, there was no significant difference
in wet weight of three shapes of cartilage before and after operation. In gross morphological observation, diced cartilages and
massive cartilages were fused into a whole, connective tissue fibrous membrane could be seen in the periphery, neovascularization
could be seen, and no fusion could be seen in the striped costal cartilage. The shape of the fused diced cartilage and ear cartilage
was not changed after manual compression and bending measurement. But the diced cartilage after fusion had better morphology
and flexibility. HE staining showed that the peripheral chondrocytes and chondroid hyperplasia were observed. Conclusion
There was no obvious absorption of autologous diced cartilage, massive cartilage and strip cartilage after 3 months of heterotopic
transplantation. The autologous diced cartilage had a better shape, flexibility and viablity after fusion.
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