 XIN Ying,QI Hong,LI Shuwei,et al.Clinicopathological Analysis of Masses after Facial Filling Injection[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2023,(1):35-38.





Clinicopathological Analysis of Masses after Facial Filling Injection
(1.西安交通大学口腔医院 陕西省颅颌面精准医学研究重点实验室 陕西 西安 710004;2.陕西省牙颌疾病临床研究中心 陕西 西安 710004;3.西安交通大学口腔医院病理科 陕西 西安 710004)
XIN Ying123QI Hong123LI Shuwei123ZHANG Jia123GUO Xiaomei123ZHAO Qian123
(1.College of Stomatology,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Key laboratory of Shaanxi Province for Craniofacial Precision Medicine Research,Xi’an 710004,Shaanxi,China 2.Clinical Research Center of Shaanxi Province for Dental and Maxillofacial Diseases,Xi’an 710004,Shaanxi,China 3.Department of Pathology, College of Stomatology,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710004,Shaanxi,China)
fi ll injection facial mass foreign matters foreign body reaction giant cell hyaluronic acid pathology differential?iagnosis
目的:探讨面部填充注射后致肿物的临床、病理特点及鉴别诊断。方法:收集2017年1月-2021年10月西安交通大学口腔医院诊断的6例面部填充注射后病例临床资料,并对其进行回顾性分析。结果:6例患者均为女性,年龄26~42岁,平均年龄34.3岁。病程为1~120个月不等,平均24.6个月。所有患者症状出现前均有美容填充注射史。肿物均位于皮下,直径不超过3 cm,质地柔软至中等,界限清楚,1例有压痛。2例注射物发生迁移。所有病变均进行手术切除。显微镜下可见异物、炎细胞及多核巨细胞浸润。结论:面部填充注射致肿物需要与皮样囊肿、脂肪瘤等进行鉴别诊断,明确注射史及显微镜下异物、异物反应是诊断要点。
Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features and diff erential diagnosis of masses caused by facial fi lling injection. Methods From January 2017 to October 2021, 6 cases of facial fi lling injection in the Stomatological Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University were collected. The clinical data and pathological sections were analyzed retrospectively. Results All patients were female, aged from 26 to 42 years, with an average age of 34.3 years. The duration of this disease ranged from 1 to 120 months, with an average of 24.6 months. All patients had a history of cosmetic fi lling injection before symptoms. All masses were located subcutaneously, with a diameter of no more than 3 cm, soft to medium texture, clear boundary, and tenderness in one case. Among them, fi lling substance had migration in 2 cases. All lesions were surgically removed. Under the microscope, there were foreign bodies, infl ammatory cells and multinucleated giant cells. Conclusion The mass caused by facial fi lling injection needs to be diff erentiated from dermoid cyst, lipoma and other diseases. Injection history and foreign body as well as foreign body reaction under microscope are the key points of diagnosis.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-01-29