[1]刘梦蕾,刘静雅,韩 晶,等. 渗透树脂对正畸后牙齿白垩斑的疗效及牙面粗糙程度和颜色的影响分析[J].中国美容医学,2019,(06):122-125.
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Effect of Penetration Resin on the Effect of Dental Plaque and the Roughness and
Color of Dental Surface after Orthodontic Treatment
刘梦蕾1刘静雅2韩 晶1桂艳丽3甘郑宁4
LIU Meng-lei1LIU Jing-ya2HAN Jing1GUI Yan-li3GAN Zheng-ning4
Key words: osmotic resin orthodontic chalky spot surface roughness color
前后的病损面积、有效率、牙面粗糙程度,国际照明委员会(Commission Internationaled’Eclairage, CIE) L*a*b*值以及
牙齿的白垩斑评分。结果:经过1个月治疗,实验组患牙的病损面积比治疗前明显缩小(P <0.05),而且实验组的病损面积
明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);实验组患牙的治疗有效率为85.8%,明显高于对照组的58.6%,差异有统计
学意义(P <0.05);实验组患牙的牙面粗糙程度(1.8±0.5)μm,而对照组患牙(2.0±0.5)μm,两组间差异显著,具有统计
学意义(P <0.05);实验组患牙的L*a*b*值明显高于对照组,分别为82.0±3.4、78.8±4.1,组间比较有显著性差异,具有
统计学意义(P <0.05);实验组患牙的白垩斑计算机评分与专业医师评分分别为44.9±1.4、45.3±1.8,而对照组患牙的评
分为39.4±4.1、40.0±2.2,具有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论:渗透树脂对于正畸后牙齿白垩斑的治疗有效,可以减少病

Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of penetrating resin on chalk spot of orthodontic teeth and its influence on tooth
surface and tooth color. Methods A total of 80 orthodontic patients with chalky spot in the department of stomatology in our
hospital were studied. One tooth needed to be extracted due to orthodontic treatment was selected as the object of this study.
The 80 teeth were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group, with 40 rats in each group.
All the affected teeth were artificially demineralized to know the lesion surface so as to simulate the occurrence of dental
plaque after orthodontic treatment. The experimental group was treated with ICON osmotic resin, while the control group was
treated with Dole fluorine. After one month of treatment, the lesion area, treatment efficiency, tooth roughness, L*a*b* value
and chalk spot score were compared between the two groups. Results After one month of treatment, the lesion area of the
experimental group was significantly reduced than before treatment (P <0.05). And the lesion of the experimental group was
significantly lower than that of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).After treatment, the
effective rate of treatment in the experimental group was 85.8%, which was significantly lower than 58.6% in the control group
(P <0.05).The roughness of the teeth in the experimental group was (1.8±0.5) μm, while that in the control group was (2.0±0.5)
μm. There was a significant difference between the two groups, with statistical significance (P <0.05). The L*a*b*value of the
experimental group is significant higher than that in the control group, which 82.0±3.4 and 78.8±4.1 respectively, the difference
was statistically significant (P <0.05). After treatment,the scores of computer and professional doctors in experimental group
were 44.9±1.4 and 45.3±1.8 respectively, while those in the control group were 39.4±4.1 and 40.0±2.2 respectively. There was
a significant difference between the two groups, with statistical significance (P <0.05). Conclusion Osmotic resin in effective
in the treatment of chalky plaque of orthodontic teeth, which can reduce the area of lesion. At the same time, osmotic resin can
improve the aesthetic degree of chalky plaque.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-07-04