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Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Practical Teaching of Acupuncture, Massage and Cosmetology
孙晶晶刘 晶杨进宇
(湖北中医药大学 湖北 武汉 430061 )
SUN JingjingLIU JingYANG Jinyu
(Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wuhan 430061,Hubei,China)
virtual reality technology acupuncture massage cosmetology practical teaching
目的:研究虚拟现实(Virtual reality,VR)技术在针灸推拿美容学实践教学中的应用效果。方法:选取2019年9 月-2021年6月于湖北中医药大学临床技能实训中心学习针灸推拿美容学的医学生70例,按照随机数字法分为对照组和观察组, 每组35例;对照组采用常规教学模式,观察组采用VR技术教学模式,比较两组考核成绩、评判性思维能力测量表(CTDI-CV) 评分、问题解决能力及教学满意度。结果:对照组理论成绩和操作成绩较观察组低(P<0.05);两组教学后CTDI-CV各项评 分及总分较教学前明显上升,其中观察组较对照组高(P<0.05);两组教学后理性解决问题和正性问题定向评分较教学前上 升,且观察组上述评分较对照组高(P<0.05);两组教学后回避风格、负性问题定向、冲动/疏忽风格评分较教学前下降,且观 察组较对照组低(P<0.05);对照组教学满意度评分较观察组低(P<0.05)。结论:VR技术应用于针灸推拿美容学实践教学中 可有效提高学生问题解决能力和评判思维能力,进而有效提升学生理论知识和操作技能考核成绩,提高学生教学满意度。
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the application effect of virtual reality (VR) technology in practice teaching of acupuncture, massage and cosmetology. Methods A total of 70 medical students who studied acupuncture, massage and cosmetology in the Clinical Skills Training Center of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine from September 2019 to June 2021 were selected, and assigned to a control group and an observation group by random number table method with 35 cases in each group. Students in the control group were taught by conventional method, while those in the observation group were taught with VR technology. The assessment results, Chinese critical thinking disposition inventory (CTDI-CV) score, problem-solving ability and teaching satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results The theoretical scores and operational scores of the control group were lower than those of the observation group (P <0.05). CTDICV scores and total scores of both groups were signifi cantly higher after teaching than before teaching, and the observation group was higher than the control group (P <0.05). The scores of rational problem solving and positive problem orientation in the two groups after teaching were higher than those before teaching, and the scores in the observation group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The scores for avoidance style, negative problem orientation, impulsive/negligence style decreased, and the observation group had lower scores than the control group (P<0.05). The teaching satisfaction score of the control group was lower than that of the observation group (P<0.05). Conclusion The application of VR technology in practical teaching of cosmetology can eff ectively improve the students’ problem-solving ability and critical thinking ability, thereby eff ectively improving their theoretical knowledge, operational skills, and satisfaction with teaching.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-11-13