[1]时秀颖,王 峰,黄咏梅,等.三黄消痤面膜联合面针治疗丘疹脓疱型玫瑰痤疮临床疗效观察[J].中国美容医学,2023,(10):82-85.[doi:10.15909/j.cnki.cn61-1347/r.005929]
SHI Xiuying,WANG Feng,HUANG Yongmei,et al.Clinical Observation of Sanhuang Xiaocuo Mask Combined with Facial Acupuncture in the Treatment of Papulopular Rosacea[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2023,(10):82-85.[doi:10.15909/j.cnki.cn61-1347/r.005929]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Clinical Observation of Sanhuang Xiaocuo Mask Combined with Facial Acupuncture in the Treatment of Papulopular Rosacea
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
时秀颖; 王 峰; 黄咏梅; 王 萍
(西宁市第一人民医院皮肤科 青海 西宁 810000 )
- Author(s):
SHI Xiuying; WANG Feng; HUANG Yongmei; WANG Ping
(Department of Dermatology,Xining First People’s Hospital,Xining 810000,Qinghai,China)
- 关键词:
三黄消痤面膜; 面针; 丘疹脓疱型玫瑰痤疮; 中医外治法
- Keywords:
Sanhuang Xiaocuo Mask; facial acupuncture; papulopular rosacea; external treatment of TCM
- 分类号:
R758.73+ 3
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
目的:分析三黄消痤面膜联合面针治疗丘疹脓疱型玫瑰痤疮的临床疗效。方法:选取2020年2月-2022年1月笔者医院 收治的145例丘疹脓疱型玫瑰痤疮患者进行研究,根据随机数字表法分为观察组(72例)和对照组(73例)。对照组采用盐 酸多西环素片口服治疗,观察组在对照组基础上采用三黄消痤面膜联合面针治疗。治疗1个月后,比较两组症状评分、临床疗 效、不良反应及复发情况。结果:两组主观症状评分、症状总分和客观症状评分均降低,且观察组低于对照组(P<0.05)。 观察组总有效率84.72%,明显高于对照组的60.27%(P<0.05)。观察组不良反应发生率4.17%,与对照组发生率(6.94%) 差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。随访3个月,观察组复发率4.92%,低于对照组(22.73%)(P<0.05)。结论:三黄消痤面 膜联合面针治疗丘疹脓疱型玫瑰痤疮能明显改善症状,疗效显著,不良反应较少且复发率较低。
- Abstract:
Objective To analyze the clinical efficacy of Sanhuang Xiaocuo mask combined with facial acupuncture in the treatment of papulopular rosacea. Methods A total of 145 patients with papulopular rosacea admitted to the author’s hospital from February 2020 to January 2022 were selected and divided into an observation group (72 cases) and a control group (73 cases)according to random number table method. The control group was treated with doxycycline hydrochloride tablets orally, and the observation group was treated with Sanhuang Xiaocuo mask combined with facial acupuncture on the basis of the control group. After 1 month of treatment,the symptom score, clinical effi cacy, and recurrence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results The subjective symptom score, total symptom score, and objective symptom score of both groups decreased, and the observation group was lower than the control group(P<0.05). The total eff ective rate of 84.72% in the observation group was signifi cantly higher than that of 60.27% in the control group (P <0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions in the observation group was 4.17%, which was not statistically signifi cant compared with 6.94% in the control group (P >0.05). Following up for 3 months, the recurrence rate in the observation group was 4.92% lower than that in the control group (22.73%) (P<0.05). Conclusion Sanhuang Xiaocuo mask combined with facial acupuncture can signifi cantly improve the symptoms of papulopular rosacea, with signifi cant eff ects, less adverse reactions and lower recurrence rate.
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