[1]赵红燕,唐 娟,杨 娥,等. 重睑就医者社会心理因素与术后满意度相关性研究[J].中国美容医学,2020,(4):144-147.
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 Study on the Correlation Between Psychosocial Factors and Postoperative
Satisfaction in Patients with Blepharoplasty
 赵红燕唐 娟杨 娥张恒术
 ZHAO Hong-yanTANG JuanYANG EZHANG Heng-shu
 Key words: blepharoplasty social factors psychological state satisfaction correlation
意程度呈负相关(P <0.05);手术信任度与手术满意程度呈现正相关,肿胀消退情况与手术满意程度呈现正相关,术后效
果评价、术前预期效果、家人朋友对该手术满意度与术后手术者满意度呈正相关(P <0.01)。社会因素中就医者年龄、性

Abstract: Objective To investigate the correlation between psychosocial factors and post-operative satisfaction in patients with
blepharoplasty. Methods 149 patients with blepharoplasty in the department of plastic surgery, the First Affi liated Hospital
of Chongqing Medical University were studied. In order to study the characteristics of psychosocial factors in patients with
blepharoplasty and its correlation with post-operative satisfaction, a method of self-designed questionnaire was used preoperatively
with a clinical interview, and a post operative satisfaction questionnaire combined with follow up actions required.
Results There was a positive correlation between the expected effect and the degree of surgical satisfaction, and a negative
correlation between the expected effect and the degree of surgical satisfaction(P <0.05). There was a positive correlation
between the degree of trust in surgeon-patient relationship and surgical satisfaction(P <0.01). Post-operatively, there was a
positive correlation between regression of swelling and surgical satisfaction(P <0.01). There was also a positive correlation
between family, friends, postoperative outcomes satisfaction and the expected pre-operative outcomes and post-operative
patients’ satisfaction(P <0.01). Other findings such as social factors like age, sex, occupation, income, marital status and
surgical approach have no signifi cant correlation with patient postoperative satisfaction. Conclusion There is subjectivity in the
evaluation of patients’ satisfaction after operation. The expected surgical outcome and trust in surgeon-patient relationship ought
to be established, psychological nursing and professional guidance should be rendered with different essential investigations
to be carried out, so as to achieve optimal health status prior to surgery. At the same time, management and prevention of postoperative
swelling can improve patients’ satisfaction score tremendously.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-04-28