[1]张艾丽,方 杰,王元秋,等.纳晶微针联合5%米诺地尔酊治疗成人斑秃疗效观察[J].中国美容医学,2023,(8):85-87.[doi:10.15909/j.cnki.cn61-1347/r.005848]
ZHANG Aili,FANG Jie,WANG Yuanqiu,et al.Clinical Observation of Nanocrystalline Microneedle Combined with 5% Minoxidil Tincture in the Treatment of Adult Alopecia Areata?/html>[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2023,(8):85-87.[doi:10.15909/j.cnki.cn61-1347/r.005848]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Clinical Observation of Nanocrystalline Microneedle Combined with 5% Minoxidil Tincture in the Treatment of Adult Alopecia Areata?/html>
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
张艾丽; 方 杰; 王元秋; 颜廷凯; 黄银浩; 王 娟
(毕节市第一人民医院皮肤科 贵州 毕节 551700 )
- Author(s):
ZHANG Aili; FANG Jie; WANG Yuanqiu; YAN Tingkai; HUANG Yinhao; WANG Juan
(Department of Dermatology,the First People’s Hospital of Bijie,Bijie 551700,Guizhou,China)
- 关键词:
纳晶微针; 5%米诺地尔酊; 斑秃; 疗效观察 [
- Keywords:
nanocrystalline microneedles; 5% minoxidil tincture; alopecia areata; observation of curative eff ect
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
目的:评估纳晶微针联合5%米诺地尔酊治疗成人斑秃的疗效及安全性。方法:将入选的68例成人斑秃患者随机分为治 疗组36例,对照组32例,对照组单纯外用5%米诺地尔酊治疗,治疗组采用外用5%米诺地尔酊联合纳晶微针促渗导入治疗,对比 两组患者的临床疗效及安全性。结果:治疗组有效率为83.33%,对照组有效率71.88%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治 疗组治愈率为63.89%,对照组治愈率59.38%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗组的起效时间短于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论:纳晶微针联合5%米诺地尔酊治疗成人斑秃安全、有效,较单用5%米诺地尔酊起效快。
- Abstract:
Objective To evaluate the effi cacy and safety of nanocrystalline microneedle combined with 5% minoxidil tincture in the treatment of adult alopecia areata. Methods 68 adult patients with Alopecia areata were randomly divided into treatment group (n=36) and control group (n=32). The control group was treated with 5% minoxidil tincture, and the treatment group was treated with 5% minoxidil tincture combined with nanocrystalline microneedle. The clinical effi cacy and safety of the two groups were compared. Results The eff ective rate and cure rate of the treatment group was 83.33% and 63.89%, respectively, while that of the control group was 71.88% and 59.38%, with no statistical significance (P >0.05).The onset time of the treatment group was shorter than that of the control group, and the diff erence was statistically signifi cant (P <0.05). Conclusion Nanocrystalline microneedle combined with 5% minoxidil tincture is safe and eff ective in the treatment of adult alopecia areata, and the eff ect is faster than that of 5% minoxidil tincture alone.
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