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The Infl uence of Digital Technology Assisted Prosthesis of Aesthetic Restoration of Maxillary Anterior Teeth on Doctor-Patient Satisfaction
史翠平1 罗 剑2
(1.同济大学附属口腔医院口腔技工中心 上海 200072;2.上海健康医学院附属嘉定区中心医院口腔科 上海 201800)
SHI Cuiping1 LUO Jian 2
(1.Department of Denal Technique Laboratory,Hospital of Stomatology,Tongji University,Shanghai 200072,China; 2.Department of Stomatology,Jiading District Central Hospital Affi liated to Shanghai University Medicine & Health Sciences,Shanghai 201800,China)
digital technology assistance maxillary anterior teeth aesthetic restoration satisfaction
目的:探讨数字化技术辅助上颌前牙美学修复的疗效及对医师和患者满意度评价的影响。方法:选取临床就诊的需要 行上颌前牙美学修复的60例患者为研究对象,随机分成两组。A组修复医师接诊后直接制定美学修复方案全程无数字化技术 辅助,B组修复医师接诊后先同口腔技师沟通,数字化技术全程提供辅助,并利用数字化技术共同制定美学修复方案。修复 后,比较两组修复医师和患者对上颌前牙美学区修复效果的满意度评价。结果:修复后,无论是修复医师还是患者对色泽和 形态的满意度,还是修复医师对修复体适合性的满意度评价,以及患者对修复体舒适度的满意度评价B组均更高。修复医师 和患者对最终修复体整体满意度B组高于A组(P<0.01)。结论:全程数字化技术辅助可以显著提高修复医师和患者对上颌 前牙美学区修复体的整体满意度,可临床推广应用。
Objective To compare the satisfaction evaluation of prostheticians and patients on the eff ect of the restoration in the aesthetic area of the maxillary anterior teeth with or without digital technology assistance. Methods 60 patients in the clinic who needed aesthetic restoration of the maxillary anterior teeth were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups. After receiving the consultation, the prostheticians of group A directly formulated the aesthetic restoration plan without the digital technology assistance during the whole process; group B restoration After receiving the consultation, the prostheticians communicated with the chairside technicians and provided digital technology assistance throughout the whole process to jointly formulate an aesthetic restoration plan. After comparing the two groups of restorations, the prostheticians and patients evaluated the satisfaction of the restoration eff ect of the maxillary anterior aesthetic area. Results Compared with group A, both the prostheticians and the patients were more satisfi ed with the color and shape in group B (P <0.01). Regardless of whether it was the satisfaction evaluation of the prostheticians on the suitability of the restoration or the satisfaction evaluation of the patients on the comfort of the restoration, there was signifi cant statistical diff erence between the two groups (P <0.01). The overall satisfaction of the prostheticians and patients with the fi nal restoration in group B was higher than that in group A(P <0.01). Conclusion The Full digital technology assistance can signifi cantly improve the satisfaction of prostheticians and patients with the restoration of the aesthetic area of the maxillary anterior teeth.It can be applied clinically.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-12-01