[1]贾文斌 综述,谭 谦 审校.病理性瘢痕的非手术治疗新进展[J].中国美容医学,2023,(1):183-189.
 JIA Wenbin,TAN Qian.New Progress in Non-surgical Treatment of Pathological Scar[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2023,(1):183-189.





New Progress in Non-surgical Treatment of Pathological Scar
贾文斌 综述谭 谦 审校
(南京大学医学院 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院烧伤整形外科 江苏 南京 210008)
JIA WenbinTAN Qian
(Department of Burn Plastic Surgery, Medical College of Nanjing University,Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,the Affi liated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School,Nanjing 210008,Jiangsu,China)
pathological scar hypertrophic scar keloids non-surgical treatment fi broblasts
R619+ .6
病理性瘢痕是创伤后真皮成纤维细胞过度增殖而形成的良性病变,常见致病因素包括外伤、手术、烧伤、痤疮及皮肤 感染等,目前其发病机制以成纤维细胞过度增殖、胶原过度沉积且排列紊乱为主。病理性瘢痕的治疗主要分为手术和非手术 治疗,其中非手术治疗以其操作简单,创伤较小等优势被长期广泛应用于临床。除了压迫疗法、硅酮凝胶外用、药物和放 射治疗等方法外,干细胞与自体脂肪移植、A型肉毒毒素注射、细胞因子治疗、激光及射频等新型疗法目前也已被广泛应 用于瘢痕的非手术治疗和研究中。本文拟就目前瘢痕非手术治疗的国内外进展进行综述,并探讨新型治疗方法的优势及应用 前景。
Pathological scar is a benign disease caused by excessive proliferation of dermal fibroblasts after injury,and its common pathogenic factors include trauma,surgery,burn,acne,skin infection,etc.The current pathogenesis is dominated by excessive proliferation of fi broblasts,excessive deposition and disorder of collagen.The treatment of pathological scar is mainly divided into surgical and non-surgical treatment,among which non-surgical treatment has been widely used in clinical practice for a long time due to its advantages of simple operation and less trauma.In addition to compression therapy,silicone gel topical application,drug and radiation therapy,emerging non-surgical treatment methods such as stem cells and autologous fat transplantation,botulinum toxin type A injection,cytokine therapy,laser,radio frequency and so on have been widely used in the non-surgical treatment and research of scar.This article reviews the recent advances in non-surgical treatment of scar at home and abroad,and discusses the advantages and future application prospects of new treatment methods.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-02-02