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CHEN Shu-jun,JIANG Hai-yan,ZHOU Jun,et al. Retrospective Study of Collagen Protein for the Treatment of Complications after Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Lacrimal Palpebral Sulcus Depression Patients [J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2018,(9):31.
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YAO Cui-ying,CHEN Fang. Improved Effects Evaluation of Botulinum Toxin Type A Combined with HyaluronicAcid Injection on Periocular Wrinkle after Periocular Rejuvenation Surgery[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2019,(9):100.
[7]高倩倩,姜 南,张建文. 脂肪源性干细胞联合透明质酸在皮肤年轻化中的疗效观察[J].中国美容医学,2019,(03):27.
GAO Qian-qian,JIANG Nan,ZHANG Jian-wen. The Effect of Adipose-derived Stem Cells Combined with Hyaluronic Acid in Facial Rejuvenation[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2019,(9):27.
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CHEN Min,XU Jin-qian. Application of Gold Microneedle Combined with Topical Hyaluronic Acid andEpidermal Growth Factor in Rejuvenation of Facial Skin[J].Medical Aesthetics and Beauty,2019,(9):101.