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 Application of Psychological Intervention Under PERMA Mode in Patients with Burn
Scars Repair
 王海梅蔡艳丽李 燕陈 红
 WANG Hai-meiCAI Yan-liLI YanCHEN Hong
 Key words: PERMA model psychological intervention burn scar repair quality of life psychological stress ability
收治的102例烧伤瘢痕修复患者为研究对象,使用随机数字表法分为对照组(n =51)和研究组(n =51)。对照组患者实施常
表中文版(Burn specific health scale,BSHS-A)]、自我和谐程度[自我和谐量表(Self consistency and congruence
scale,SCCS)]、心理应激能力[成人心理弹性量表(Resilience scale for adults,RSA)]及伤残接受度[伤残接受度量
表(Acceptance of disability scale,ADS)]情况。结果:干预6个月后,两组BSHS-A量表、RSA量表、ADS量表评分均较
干预前上升,且研究组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);两组SCCS量表评分均较干预前下降,且研究组低于对
照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论:将PERMA模式下心理干预应用于烧伤瘢痕患者修复术中,可显著提升患者生活

Abstract: Objective To explore the application effect of psychological intervention under PERMA model in the recovery of
patients with burn scars after repair. Methods A total of 102 patients with burn scar repair who were treated in our hospital
between June 2019 and June 2020 were selected as the research subjects, and they were divided into the control group (n =51)
and the study group (n =51) by using the random number table method. Patients in the control group received routine nursing,
and patients in the study group were given psychological intervention under PERMA model on the basis of control group. The
quality of life [Burn specific health scale (BSHS-A)], degree of self consistency and congruence [Self consistency and congruence
scale (SCCS)], psychological stress ability [Resilience scale for adults (RSA)] and disability acceptance [Acceptance of disability
scale (ADS)] were compared between the two groups of patients before intervention and after 6 months of intervention. Results
After 6 months of intervention, the scores of BSHS-A scale, RSA scale and ADS scale in the two groups were all higher than
those before intervention, and the scores of the study group were higher than those of the control group, the differences were
statistically significant (P <0.05). The scores of SCCS scale in the two groups of patients were all lower than those before
intervention, and the scores of study group were lower than those of control group (P <0.05). Conclusion Psychological
intervention under PERMA model in the recovery of patients with burn scars after repair has a significant effect on improving the
quality of life of patients, and can improve the self consistency and congruence, psychological stress ability and disability acceptance.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-11-04